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Leadership & Governance Team



The purpose of the North Hart Leadership team is to meet, discuss and decide upon pertinent information from the county level, school level and classroom level and areas that need improvement are discussed. Decisions are made about all matters concerning North Hart Elementary, the staff, students and parents in a collaborative, team approach. Leaders then redeliver information to each team member within the school, as well as share minutes from our regularly scheduled monthly meetings.

Governance Team:

The role of the School Governance Team is to be a liaison between the school leadership and the community to discuss school needs. Members of the SGT discuss, assist in the creation of, and share school improvement plans and goals. Ultimately, the goal of SGT is to celebrate and promote student success. Parent Representatives are elected by the parents of the school community and serve for terms up to three years depending on what grade level they are initially elected to represent. Business/Community & Elementary Liaison Representatives are elected by the school Governance Team Members. Teacher Representatives are appointed by the Principal.

 The Hart County Board of Education and all School Governance Teams within the district utilize eBoard. eBoard is an online board management solution used to streamline meetings, policies, strategic plans, and evaluations. A link to the district's eBoard transparency portal site can be found on the homepage of the district and all schools' website under Quick Links or at This site contains meeting agendas, minutes, board policies, etc.